AffixTraders Earn

Own crypto and create a passive income.

Start earning now

At the moment, AffixTraders Earn isn't available in the U.S.

Ethereum 2.0
4.43% APR
5% APY

More cryptocurrencies are coming soon!

Step 1
Step 1: Choose crypto

Use your existing crypto or buy new assets

Step 2
Step 2: Select amount or earn automatically

Some cryptocurrencies grant you rewards by default, others require a minimum amount

Step 3
Step 3: Earn rewards

Keep receiving a steady flow of rewards

Why earn passively at AffixTraders?

Earn a passive income

Our rewards are a lot higher than what most other traditional financial institutions have to offer, and well beyond what’s currently offered by banks.

Increase your crypto portfolio value

Let your crypto work for you by setting up a steady payout.

Start earning with minimum amounts

With some cryptocurrencies you earn rewards automatically, and some require a minimum amount which we’ve made as low as possible. We believe that everyone should have an option for a passive income.

You are just a few clicks away

Nodes, contracts, positions? Doesn’t matter, leave the technical stuff to us. You’re good to go in just a few clicks. We’ll take care of the security of your newly acquired assets as well.

What is AffixTraders Earn?

AffixTraders Earn utilizes your crypto assets and puts them to work for you. You can use the crypto you already own and hold in your account or buy new assets to start earning a passive income. It works through a process called staking and inflation.

How does it work?

Your assets verify and validate the blocks on the blockchain, and in return you receive rewards. Some cryptocurrencies are locked on the blockchain for a set period of time, while others have no locking period. These depend on the cryptocurrencies themselves. Either way, it’s a win-win situation.

Which assets can I earn with?

You can earn by choosing any asset listed above, and we are constantly working on adding new cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned for more!